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先週、神戸北野ビストロ カフェ・ド・パリでは、大人気のクラッシックデュオにお越し頂きました。心地よく優しい音楽に包まれ、店内はゆったりとした時間が流れ、まるでパリの一角にいるようでした。
神戸北野ビストロ カフェ・ド・パリでは、毎月ライブを行っておりますので、お気軽に聴きに来ていただければ幸いです。
Last week we had the pleasure of having our favourite acoustic duo perform live for an early Valentines show. The atmosphere was relaxed and pleasant as the gentle music filled the air.
Currently they perform a live show once a month at Bistrot Cafe de Paris in Kobe.
就在上周,我们有幸请到超有人气的不插电演唱二人组来到Bistro Cafe de Paris的现场表演节目。在轻松愉悦的气氛中,在柔和浪漫的音乐声中,我们真诚的为大家提前奉上了情人节娱乐大餐。
他们将在我们Bistrot Cafe de Paris 进行每月一次的现场表演。
Classic Acoustic Duo are based in Kansai area of Japan. Active since 2014, their repertoire stretches across a broad spectrum from Jazz standard numbers and Bossa Nova to more modern pop tunes. Vlad has extensive experience both as performing as well as being a recording artist, in the UK and various other countries. Aya embarked on her music career after returning from studying music in Sydney, Australia. She has previously lived in the UK, Congo, the US, and Australia. This presented her with the opportunity to immerse herself in other cultures, and experience and learn to enjoy various musical styles.
Phone: 078-241-9448
ランチ 11:30 - 15:00(L.O. 14:00)
カフェ 11:30 - 17:30
ディナー 17:30 - 21:00(L.O. 20:00)
9,110軒中 No.1を獲得しています。
We are proud to have received first place among 9,110 restaurants in Kobe City by TripAdvisor, the world’s largest travel site.
Well-known for travelers' opinions and critiques, TripAdvisor has awarded Cafe de Paris the Travelers' Choice and the Certificate of Excellence 2020 for 7 years in a row.
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