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Another year ends for the now renowned Hankyu French Fair held in Osaka.
And what a year it was!
This year the Loire region stood on the front line, with specialities from Angers, Nantes, Bretagne.
The main attraction was the Tarte Tatin stand, where these specialities were made right on the spot. The Tarte Tatin team peeled no less than 1,700 kg of apples during the week. Can you believe that?
The crepe and galette restaurant was also a must visit spot for the entire week. And the queue rarely diminished throughout the 7 days. The guys prepared and sold around 700 to 800 crepes per day! There were definitely sore legs at the end of it, trust me.
The amphitheater area felt like a visit to Versailles. From taking pictures wearing traditional dresses from Louis 16 court and dolls of Marie Antoinette, to perusing jewellery and bags, everything was high class, and the decoration was stunning.
Needless to say, as usual all the French exhibitors who came on this occasion were made to feel really welcome, and were overwhelmed by all the effervescence.
There’s no doubt that they all returned home to France with stars in their eyes, dreaming of business opportunities in Japan.
The French Fair in Osaka has such a particular air to it. 300,000 visitors come over the 7 days. There is an endless flow of curious passers by along the aisles all day; tasting, looking, buying, experimenting with the best of what France has to offer them.
It is a pulsating week, full of joy, happiness and of course full of “Oishiiiiii” “Sugoiii” and “tanoshikatta”!
2017年3月31日(金)18:30 – 21:30
ビートリックス(ボーカル&フルート)片桐 衛(ギター)が10年に渡るベルギーでの活動を経て、2010年末より日本で活動するアコースティックデュオ。フランス語による独創的なオリジナル曲を演奏。
Ring in spring with gentle French lyrics and creative original tunes, brought to life in a live performance by Bix & Marki.
No cover charge
Bix&Marki, a duo of original acoustic soft jazz-French chansons, was created by Bix (Beatrix FIFE) and Marki(Mamoru KATAGIRI), when they came back to Japan after 10 years spent in Brussels, in the end of 2010.
After having graduated in jazz guitar from the Conservatoire R. de Bruxelles and played various kinds of jazz music, Marki started composing tunes with harmonies and rhythms adjusted to Beatrix’s lyrics, whispering voice and flute solos.
The French lyrics and the rhythm of the music and language, as well as the melodies, have a feeling of Japanese manga and French surrealism: in a contemporary way, being at the same time an insider and an outsider of the society,
6 CDs have been recorded.
Their life and music philosophy brings them to play concerts in various parts of Japan for different audiences, in different places.
We look forward to seeing you for this very special live show!
Over the past week or so, the temperature has been rising and the days getting longer, and we all know what that means, Spring is starting awaken after the Winter cold. Here at Bistrot Cafe de Paris we are happy to see all the happy faces enjoying the start of spring in Kobe, especially since the Ijinkan area has an extra special vibe when basked in glorious sun! Although it can still be a little bit chilly from day to day, we are looking forward to having our guests let the sun warm their cheeks as they enjoy a meal in our terrace seats.
So with that, today I want to talk to you about the tradition of dining al fresco.
I mean, who doesn’t love to dine outdoors? Just imagine it, it’s a pleasant spring or summer day in Kobe, you’re in no hurry to get anywhere fast, and just want to enjoy being in the moment. Surely there’s nothing better than soaking up the sun and looking out across the street from a table on the deck of your favourite restaurant.
But where exactly did the tradition of dining outdoors begin? Well, as obvious as it may seem, back in the Stone Age. In ancient cave paintings found in France, the images depict people eating not indoors, but in a pastoral outdoor setting.
That is a bit of a vague connection to our love of eating outdoors, but on a more serious note, it was in France that our modern tradition of dining outdoors kicked off, thanks to an explosively popular and at the time new “café society”. This new concept fused socialising and entertainment with dining outdoors.
After decades of being buffeted by revolution and the Napoleonic wars, Paris began to rebuild and expand in the mid-19th century. A French civic planner named Baron Georges-Eugene Haussmann was commissioned by Napoleon III to rebuild the Right Bank of the city. Haussmann transformed Paris from a medieval city to one filled with broad boulevards and gardens.
It was in this transformed city boulevards that the first cafés sprung up and began to flourish. By the 1850s, over 20,000 cafés had opened their doors in Paris!
Blessed with a fairly mild climate, the city’s outdoor cafés became chic places to meet to discuss the arts, theatre, politics, music and plain old gossip.
We offer the real Parisian dining experience, so why not drop by for maybe just a cake set to enjoy the perfect French environment with us ?
The terrace seats are also great for photos thanks to the great light!
As it is still rather cold from time to time, feel free to take a seat inside and soak in the old French atmosphere.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
最近天气慢慢转暖,也逐渐开始昼长夜短了。在Bistrot Cafe de Paris,我们欣喜的看到很多人因为期待春天的到来而露出的笑脸。虽然仍然不时的还会有点冷,可我们已经期待着让太阳温暖客人们的脸颊,就如期待他们在我们的户外露台座位上享受一顿完美午餐后露出满足的神情一样。
但是,户外用餐的传统是从哪里开始的呢? 嗯,应该是早在石器时代。在法国古代洞穴里发现了一幅描写一家人郊游的壁画,多半是在田园户外的那种环境下。
思い出を大切にするパリッ子のお気に入りシャンソン•ミュゼット•タンゴなどフランスで昔からずっと愛され続けている曲でパリ情緒をお楽しみください パリのオフィス街 ラ•デフォンスの人気演奏家です。
2017年3月17日(金)18:00 – 20:00
フレンチディナーコース ミュージックチャージ込み
Phone: 078-241-9448
ランチ 11:30 - 15:00(L.O. 14:00)
カフェ 11:30 - 17:30
ディナー 17:30 - 21:00(L.O. 20:00)
9,110軒中 No.1を獲得しています。
We are proud to have received first place among 9,110 restaurants in Kobe City by TripAdvisor, the world’s largest travel site.
Well-known for travelers' opinions and critiques, TripAdvisor has awarded Cafe de Paris the Travelers' Choice and the Certificate of Excellence 2020 for 7 years in a row.
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