フランス語の優しい響きと淡い色彩譜的なオリジナル曲集を楽しみませんか? ビックス&マルキ夏2017ライブ演奏
2017年8月8日(火) 18:30 – 21:30
ビートリックス(ボーカル&フルート)片桐 衛(ギター)が10年に渡るベルギーでの活動を経て、 2010年末より日本で活動するアコースティックデュオ。 フランス語による独創的なオリジナル曲を演奏。
音空間の隙間を生かした飾りのないサウンド。 ボサノバやジャズの雰囲気を繊細なヨーロピアンテイストで詩的なオリジナル曲へ昇華。
Ring in spring with gentle French lyrics and creative original tunes, brought to life in a live performance by Bix & Marki.
No cover charge
Artist Profile
Bix&Marki, a duo of original acoustic soft jazz-French chansons, was created by Bix (Beatrix FIFE) and Marki(Mamoru KATAGIRI), when they came back to Japan after 10 years spent in Brussels, in the end of 2010.
After having graduated in jazz guitar from the Conservatoire R. de Bruxelles and played various kinds of jazz music, Marki started composing tunes with harmonies and rhythms adjusted to Beatrix’s lyrics, whispering voice and flute solos.
The French lyrics and the rhythm of the music and language, as well as the melodies, have a feeling of Japanese manga and French surrealism: in a contemporary way, being at the same time an insider and an outsider of the society,
6 CDs have been recorded.
Their life and music philosophy brings them to play concerts in various parts of Japan for different audiences, in different places.
We look forward to seeing you for this very special live show!